Monday, December 15, 2008

To introduce myself

I've been playing since 2003 or 2004 I can't remember. One of my friend showed me Lineage and with the time he let me play on one of his account so I could try it by myself. I finally liked it and spent more and more hours in it. My cousin joined us and we started 3 mages nammed Unlucky1, Unlucky2 and Unlucky 3 on Lands of Aden Server. Few months after, I started on my own on Depardieu...but I found out PVP wasn't my type and I ended up on Ken Rauhel with my 18 STR / CON mage, MageDemon :P But real life stuff happened with my mom and for a while I thought I would never be able to play Lineage again so I gave away my account to my cousin and he started his 2 characters, SteelShark and BrainSpirit. Couple of months after that...the same friend created an account by accident..don't ask me how I dunno lol but I took it and finally started as MepheKol aka the uber mage lol I am kidding :P I always loved mage for the spells but I wanted them to be stronger in melee and honestly...8 STR wasn't enough =/ so yeah, I am one of the rare Mages with 16 STR, 18 CON/WIS base now :D Meph has almost every spells, still need Destroy and Absolute Barrier...but anyway, considering my low INT (17), it would be useless to spend 150m on Dest hehe. When I tested Episode 6, I realized I couldn't handle elves anymore...I really hate what NC did to them...they are still strong in PVP...but so weak for hunt, they get nerfed a lot. So, bye bye level 51 Elf (Concession) and level 49 elf (S1nMaster), I sold all my gears and I could afford few items to equip my new Prince, ZenSworD, now level 50 CON Royal. A lot of stuff happened in my Lineage experience, I get hacked twice, I also lost some items by myself lol but anyway here I am with my BP mates, trying to level as much as we can and get more items and maybe one day...siege and get our own Castle :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coolio~ first post.
nice intro dude. lets take eternity to the top.
oh yeah one more thing.