Monday, December 22, 2008

Phoenix + Eternity = Meteor Strike o_o!

Yesterday, I was trying to get some good drops in Resistance (I really need a damn Black Wizard ammy -.-) when Adderstone called the fire bird up o.o Once again we all met in Werld and we followed Adder. It was around Valakas Lair, so I buffed everyone, ITH - Berseker and let's roll :D Everything went really good, I didn't run out of mana and it took like 2-3 mins to kill with 3 tanks too :P But I wasn't expecting the drops o.o It's only when it died and I saw this line: Phoenix gave MepheKol Spellbook (Meteor Strike). I was like holy shit o_o I have never gotten MS alone or even in party before :P It also dropped 48k adena, nzel and Dex ammy. It was a very good one hehe. I am still trying to sell the book so if anyone reads this and need it, whisper or mail me on MepheKol !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was there too!!! i swear i was!!!
look look i was in coi and and you couldnt see me T-T dayam bastards..
hate you all!!! lol jk