Thursday, September 3, 2009

Boss Event august 2009!

Hello! I know I'm late on the Boss event lol, I've been slacking the blog for a bit. I had SO MUCH stuff to do on my account...I first had to find a way to hold all the items we get in event, I also had to count all the enchants we get while hunting in group and I still have a lot of things for sale. When the event started I really had no idea what could be dropped, I just heard some items such as Kaiser weapons, Lich Robe, Destroy SB, etc. Most of the time, I hunted with BP partners because the Bosses weren't as easy as I thought, even at lvl 60, Iris were taking me 3 minutes to kill -.- I can tell after few days, I was really bored...always the same place with the same Bosses. I'm happy it's over now, so everyone can test their new toys and get back to their normal leveling! Our drops were OK...let's just say some peoples have been really lucky or they just played all day long while event. I'm fine with what we get, it could have been a lot better considering all the stuff we could get from the Bosses but anyway we did our best and the result of our efforts was not that bad :P

It's been a while since the last time we get that amount of players online lol

Our first decent drop, it went to OoxmanoO, enjoy man :)

Thanks to Mr. IGotABigCarrot for filling up one more square in my Spells inventory :D

All these words for 3 letters, DKS :P

OoxmanoO gave it to me since we let him have the K-Edo

Selling +7 IQ Staff whisper me please o.o

I may keep this one if noone object

Exactly what SugarLips needed, some more HP ;P

Woot, a good sword for my Knight :D


And after...

Tarak's Boots

Wait... another pair? o.o

And finally, Kaiser x-Bow :)

I didn't want to post all the drops we get, but these are the most expensive ones I get in party. I also get myself a Baltuzar and Merkyor Cap, Kurtz Set for my Knight, Devil's Knife for my Elf and that's about it, now it's time to sell stuff because I still need to share some items with pledge mates :P