Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winter Event 2011

For this year's valentine week, we had a strange event o.o The KG rings would allow us to poly into a red little guy that walk very fast and the main objective of this event was to find the Snow Queens Portumo all over Aden. Whoever would hit the queens at least once would receive a box with presents inside: cream pies, all of level 2 and 3 meals including fantasy ones, rough gold/silver/platinium pieces and of course, the Skeleton Grail!

It's a good thing most peoples on Ken are generous and honest, when someone has found a queen, he/she would call her up on global to give a chance to everyone to fully enjoy the event. This picture shows the players running to the queen after a call :P

Sometimes the queens spawn was insane :P

My goal was to get at least one grail before the event ends and I got lucky :)

One more o.o?

I've made around 30 pieces of each (gold/silvers/plats) and 2 Skel Grails, this was not a bad event, just very weird o.o

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