I can now use the golden polies on Meph =) Looks so awesome! But Meph isn't the only one who have leveled up these last days, S1nMaster is now 55 v_v

The picture sucks, I was not expecting the blue aura to come so fast, I'm still not really used to this new level system o.o No kidding I can make 1% in less than 10 minutes in TOS -.-; Anyway! I was waiting this level for sooooo long =D Who never wanted to play on a lvl 55+ Elf ;)?

So far, I LOVE the Dark Ranger poly, it's so great and look bad ass, more than a girl with a small bow (Dark Elf poly q_q) I rerolled S1n at 55 to change to 18 Dex and 13 Con base for 1 extra AC and about 55 more HP :)
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