Friday, March 4, 2011

Soloing Bosses!

I never really had the chance to test my +9 Thebes Staff against bosses so one day, I didn't know what to do and I went to check Zombie Lord on 40F. I brought some clears just in case. I found it up not so far from entrance and dragged it to stairs. I ate one cockatrice tail steak, casted berserker and ith on myself and started to hit it.

I was getting low on mana, and I used all my condensed clears when it finally died o.o I already knew some high level Knights or DE could solo it but I didn't know my newb mage could do it too o_o Since then, I'm checking bosses again and I know it sound selfish but I'm just curious to see which bosses I can solo and which ones I can't!

I was hunting on my Elf on TOI 24F and when my hunt was over, I decided to check Vampire. As you can imagine, he was up :P I get on Meph and ran back to 30F. I tryed to solo it with Thebes Staff but obviously, I couldn't counter his Vampiric Touch so I went the old way, Darkness and Sunburst! hehe

He dropped very well, I used the charm on my Prince since I have them all on Meph.

The last boss (for now) o.o is Giant Worm. Once again, I was hunting on S1n and found it near the boat. I soloed it once with +8 Arch Mage's Staff so there was no reason I couldn't do it. The picture tells it!

6 C-dais and 50k adena =) I'm even more motivated to level now, I want 13 Dex base, 25 Int or higher with +10 Thebes Staff could be fun o.o and of course the Ancient Warrior Guarder (+1 melee dmg).

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