Not so long ago, I reached one of my goal, getting ZenSworD to lvl 55! That is a lot of work for a new buff ;) but it was worth it!

Yep, I now have -86 AC buffed =D and 2 great polies v.v Before my lvlup, I was wondering if I should use my other candle. I went to test and tryed different build and I decided to switch to Str/Wis instead of full Con. Indeed, I would lose lots of HP but... I would gain +2 carrying capacity, +2 dmg, +1 hit to melee, 1% MR and also about 40 more mana because I would put my last base point in wisdom. I wanted Zen to be a tank and obiviously, I needed to do more damage so I finally decided to reroll. This is a before/after picture to see the differences.

Yep, I now have -86 AC buffed =D and 2 great polies v.v Before my lvlup, I was wondering if I should use my other candle. I went to test and tryed different build and I decided to switch to Str/Wis instead of full Con. Indeed, I would lose lots of HP but... I would gain +2 carrying capacity, +2 dmg, +1 hit to melee, 1% MR and also about 40 more mana because I would put my last base point in wisdom. I wanted Zen to be a tank and obiviously, I needed to do more damage so I finally decided to reroll. This is a before/after picture to see the differences.

So far I love my new stats. I know it sucks losing 270hp but at lvl 60, I will have around 750 hp base and with AS, that will get me to 900+ which is way enough in my opinion. I really want to play my prince more since I kill much faster and have more AC =)
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