I'm up to 148% MR on my prince now o.o! It also has decent AC for a MR armor. I still had many bzels left so I tryed to make my own +8 Cloak of protection. I made 2 +7 but I was too affraid to put nzels on them o.o I had the feeling they would blow... untill I saw LUCKY21 selling +8 Cop on global for cheap he said. So, I whispered him and asked if he would take a trade. I sold my +7 IQ staff for 20m (it's cheap I know..) but I didn't want to change my lang to chinese to put it in shop mode every nights, anyway... LUCKY21 accepted my +7 Cop, 20m adena and 10 bzels (total of 30m) and I blew my other +7 Cop.
I really wanted that cloak before my lvlup on Zen because I would have -75 AC even with an axe o_o! Last +8 armor to get is +8 Power Gloves :P
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