I know it would hurt without ith but I thought Water Life and NB would be enough, I was wrong x.x SS died...but at least he didn't lose exp since he ended to poison. We just moved down to continue our hunt but things get even worst o.o We found one of the best spawn spot ever, we could have never expected this, we were killing sharks and Sea Dancer when I did the mistake to 1 hit Crabman o.o...

We had to run back and kill them 1 by 1 then we cameback again and SS get surrounded by 20 Crabmans o_o! and had to escape, I started to move down to see what else was there and I was....speechless, dude that's fucking crazy you have to LOOK at this picture lol

And there were a lot more, it's only what my screen could take lol. We had some help from BP members and other tanks and we finally killed everything but it took a while and 2 tries since Mage had to reggain. I will definitely go there again, so much fun lol
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