I get his Key and then I moved to the new area of PI to get to Kamyla, she's the NPC you need to talk with to finish the quest. I had to find 3 pirates: Franco, Diego and finally Jose. I followed every steps on Lindb and everything were going fine, well... untill I had to kill Jose, he was the last piece of the puzzle. Kamyla teleported me into his underground jail but this damn mofo wasn't up... I was wondering if the Drake Quest was still broken or something else since I couldn't find him but I went there again the day after and he get me by surprise + he was hasted. I felt like a newb cause he almost killed me o.o he hits hard and fast so I waited till his haste pot ran out and I pwned his ass up o_o I went back to Kamyla to get my reward :)

It has 3 AC base, it's safe to +6 with 2 DMG absorption and +2 Charisma, it's a very good shield and at +7, I have -70 AC buffed, good enough for a Royal ;P
For the Bosses, Kallin called Demon up on global so I ran to 8f and I was surprised to see noone else there o.o We made a party with the few peoples who showed up including myself as Zen, Kallin, Philio and Lucente. We killed all the mops first and we jumped on Demon. I can tell the risks vs rewards doesn't apply to Demon... it always drops junks q_q
Ok... this doesn't only apply to Demon lol!
Woot nzel! o_o so lame and you shoulda have seen the number of skels around ZL... it was crazy.
The next Boss is Chaos, SwordHunter whispered me and asked for help. I brought ZfanZ with me. Just Chaos alone isn't easy without healers so imagine with all the damn Priests hitting us x_x Sword and I died -.- you know how much I like stun! S0ULMage logged on in the good time and came to TOS We killed it and splitted the drops, at least it dropped some Frags o.o
I needed bzels for my Shield of Faith and I'm saving all my cash for a Mambo Coat so I just went 41f+ and hunted there till' I get one and of course I get 1 bdai and few nzels, ndais but no bzel o.o It was getting boring so I decided to check Cougar and maybe I could get what I was looking for and a 51f charm o_o we never know! It was up so I brought it to entrance, casted Break Weap on it and I even tryed to solo it with summons but no success :P So I begged Hack to come kill it for me! o.o I took care of the Bone Dragon and Hack started to tank Cougar. Well as you can see on the picture, they both dropped good :P and Cougar gave me a bzel v.v
Oh and by the way that bzel only went +1 on my SoF -.- It only took a total of 7 bzels to make it go +7 woot! =.=
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