I'll first start with my Elf, I have been hunting in Ship Graveyard lately since I found out it's a very good place for Bow user, I usually make 1% and around 200k adena if I can kill the rich Drowned Male :P This picture shows how good the spawn can be sometimes o_o

I like that spot, easy exp and money hehe :D I also found a new way to go underwater, it's in the south west area so I went down and once in the deep sea, the first mop I see was this...
SwordHunter said Ancient Giant was up. It has been a while since the last time I killed it :P I met him and PITA at the entrance of TOI. When we moved out, Peack (lvl 55 elf in NoobClub) was there too, so we let him join the party and we killed AG.

Next Boss is Phoenix, HacknSlash found it up near the Lair of Valakas and he brought it down near Right IGG. It took a while and I was talking with Molindar at the same time so I asked him to come give us a little help and when he get there, Pho ended o.o
ZTiDuSZ was hunting in Ivory Tower 7F when he ran into Garundur. He asked for help but at the same time, he died q_q Sword and me went up there and we killed it but one of the drops kinda surprised me o.o We can now say Garundur worth to be killed once in a while :P
It's my first Blizzard SB, I'm kinda mad I bought mine for 16m and sold this one for 6m o.o
An advice for everyone, don't go away from keyboard with Cloak of Death on, you can see the result by yourself...
Don't ask me why but I wanted to go hunt some Gelatinous Cubes in Aden Sewers o.o and I'm sure some of you never been there before :P This place used to be the fastest way to go Tower of Insolence before peoples start using scrolls and restart.
On my way to Ship Graveyard, I found Mambo Rabbit on PI for the first time o.o
HacknSlash came but we only get one thing, Rabbit Liver o.o... Anyway it was cool to kill it :P
As almost every wednesday, I hunt TOI 1-10F with Meph and make about 1% to 1.20% there. I didn't see ZQ but there were a bunch of Medusas o_o
I lvled in 61F+ for like 30 minutes and I went to check Iris. Guess noone has checked her earlier cause she was up :P
I tryed to be polite with her but she almost got me killed o.o
I had to go get Hack cause that damn newb dunno how to get to 70F o_o On our way, we saw a mini-boss that we don't get to kill everyday lol...
Of course it dropped nothing :P So we ran again t0 the 70F stairs, that's where I brought Iris. I tryed to tank her with Hack but it didn't go well, I was using +9 mail breaker since she doesn't break weap but that wasn't enough. Like I said in the last post she has high AC and HP reggain... I would say 2 tanks is required or at least 1 lvl 60+. Azcas and Warlord gave us a hand and the lady finally died o.o

I was pissed because she hasn't been kind to me and she was cheap as hell o.o
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