You may hunt somewhere and hear someone say outloud "BOOBS", that will be Hack for sure o.o
I finally saw her! She walks slow but... don't get close lol, she will whip your ass and her tornado hurts so much q_q I buffed everyone and Hebe with Hack were both tanking. After 5 minutes, I was she is a lot harder than I thought and she seems to have very high AC and HP. I reggained all my mana and Hebe went for Bow mode :) I won't say what bow he's using but it's a good thing we have him in BP o.o That time it only took like 1-2 mins and she ended :P Nice drops too, nzel, ndai and bzel :D
Everyone knows after killing a Boss you always want to find more :P and Hebe wanted to check Lich, I told him to go for it since he has the charm. After like 10-15 minutes, Hebe said in BP chat: bad news... LICH UP! o.o alright here I come :P so once again I gave Hack a 81F scroll but I only had 2, we rarely do BP hunts in 71F+ x_x It was also my first time on 81F, I only have been there on a private server o.o We followed Hebe and it started to be harder. On 87F, near the stairs to 88F, there were like 3-4 Zombie Lords, 2-3 Lesser Seers and few Vampires. Me and Hebe went up but Hack get stuck and we had to wait for him. We had to run cause we had few monsters on us and the nightmare started o.o Hebe and me splitted, I ran down cause I knew... or at least I was hoping to find stairs to 89F. I was almost there when I saw my HP bar going from 537 hp to 120 and then 0 -_- 5 Lesser Seers appeared in my screen. I was so fucking pissed... we used my 2 scrolls (and they worth like 500k+ each) to see a Boss I have never seen before, I die and lose 1% on the 88F and without a Mage, they couldn't do it. At least Hack didn't die, he was with Hebe. The funny part was, none of them had resurection scroll for me o.o I told Hebe to go get a res scroll and comeback quick. After a while, you get auto-revive, that's why every minutes, laying on the ground seemed so long but finally Hebe came to my rescue! We all met on 90F by the lake, again :P We let Hebe bring it to us since he's the expert o.o I don't have much experience in the high floors of TOI :P Lich moves very slow and it uses the same wind spell as Dark Elder for long range attack. The same thing with Iris happened... it wouldn't die, I have to say Hack is only lvl 53 and he was missing a few hits, it didn't help. We tryed a few times but I was getting low on m-gems. We had to call another tank, so Hebe called LUCKY21.
We killed that big mofo and as reward, we get... a nice ring of polymorph control "woot!" =.= Anyway I'm glad we killed it but you won't see me on 81F+ anytime soon o.o
Later in the evening, Hebe went to check Knight Vald and I guess it was our lucky day because he was up lol. This time, TheHammeR, SwordHunter joined us but Hack had to leave. There were no monsters at all untill 80F (I prefer that way o.o) Hebe brought KV to the stairs. We get ready and they started to hit it. Hebe would run and tag all the Black Knights when the time would come. I know TheHammeR is high level but with his newb items o.o with Sword only lvl 53, it felt like only one good tank were causing damage. KV started to summon BKs. Hebe was casting frozen cloud but Hamm's P-Sword was tagging few of them -.- I would so fucking blow this sword man lol. It get apocalyptic o.o, KV with like 15 BKS and peoples running everywhere o_o so we went back to 79F.

I wanted to give it a second try but Sword had already called someone. Willie2 and one healer were coming. As you can read this post's title, we killed them all. I didn't take screenshot of KV's drops for the only reason that he dropped 0 lmao q_q It's pretty lame I know, NC for the win! Well, it was fun though, 3 new bosses in 1 day :)
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