I was bored, in giran, next to my friend MiuerX o.o and Warlord offered to open Aden Castle gates for us, if we wanted to go inside the dungeon. I said yes and we get ready to go hunt. We get to the place I venzed last time, the hideout of the lost. We moved slowly, killing everything on our way and then...we found Maya. I didn't know she were lvl 70+ q_q cause at my level not many bosses are in red color lol. Anyway, for the hunt MiuerX joined my BP, so at least, I could buff or ITH him but Maya's magic seriously hurt and I don't think a lvl 53 DE with 1 mage can take her down. We started running everywhere, trying to get her close to the stairs but Miuer and I had to venz o.o We called for back up o_o and we ended up being like 8 peoples going for her x.x On our way, we found Corrupted Zombie Lord, pretty easy but it dropped 0 q_q

Once on the floor where we left, we couldn't find Maya o.o so everyone splitted up and started to run anywhere untill I found her again. Yep and after all this, she killed me 1 hit just when we were all ready to fight her...lame, 526 HP 1 shot...yay! Ok, maybe I wasn't wearing my 10% rings but still, this is ridiculous -.- Thanks to ZJoeZ for g-res and thanks to Dark Wizard Maya for this wonderful drop and loss of time x_x!
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