Tuesday, December 30, 2008
+6 Shield of Eva
So yeah, I get my +6 SOE now v_v I got to say Steel's Asword and APM helped me a lot since I made 32.5m from them. CataMay was selling it so I mailed her telling I was trading +5 SOE with 45m adena for it. The day after I whispered her and she said "No good deal" I was like...go to hell o_o But we finally found a deal, 48m cash, +5 SOE and 300 emeralds/rubies. Now I look less newb o.o with my 80m shield :P Here it is for the people who has never seen one.

Situations you don't want to be in :P
Everybody knows new TOS has a great spawn but sometimes it get crazy. Good thing we had a poly event cause there were 13 or 14 monsters on me, counting 3 nice Succubus lol. We can't barely see me QQ.
I went to dvc 6f on my Royal. With 2x drops event it's a very good place, I made like 200k adena, 50 diamonds, 4 nzels, 2 ndai, 1 bdai 160 bteles + on my Mage in 1 hour or less. So I thought I could do it on my Royal with 600 reds o_o. I was wrong, I need better potions to keep my hp up, so I started running around and tryed to kill as much mops as I could...but there was nothing to do against that lol, 3 Ettins, 4 Succubus and 3 Succubus Queen!

SteelShark quitting Lineage
Bah my cousin decided to quit the game since he had no more interest in it. He made up his mind and blew all his items. I got the rest, not enchantable items and potions/scrolls. Of course it's his choice and I don't think he will comeback, he has a lot of stuff going on. School, work, friends, tv, xbox etc Well anyway, hope you had a great time playing with me and the other ppl. Now it's gay cause I won't be able to talk in french to anyone o.o! But it's cool, I'm still going to see you and call you the Shark of Steel :P

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Couple Bosses

That's our first worm, was nice to kill and dropped good......his screen spell is really cool to look at. Just wish it was easier to find.......damn heine 4f is HUGE.
Woopi.....First Ant Queen!!!! The screen was shaking soooooo much, I tought she'd be harder, but was really nice to see her other than in Giran DM.
This one was our second Spirit.......you can see the drops by yourself. Still had fun tho :)

So here's our first Spirit for our BP. We didn't really know if we could kill it since the increased hp regain rate of ep6 and since it had minions and is lvl 65. We did manage to kill it and it went pretty well, took a little bit of time tho, cause we had 3 tank, but Hack realized he had no sword on. Drops were ok if u consider the number of persons, but it was a lot of fun and real nice to see we could end him.

Ok so here's my first post. Im SteelShark and I tought id start posting with my lvl up to 52. So here it is, me in uber DK, i've done most on my lvl 51 in NEW TOS which is quite very boring but I wanted this lvl so bad. But now that I got it, I think imma concentrate on getting better gear since what I have is kinda basic.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Phoenix + Eternity = Meteor Strike o_o!
Yesterday, I was trying to get some good drops in Resistance (I really need a damn Black Wizard ammy -.-) when Adderstone called the fire bird up o.o Once again we all met in Werld and we followed Adder. It was around Valakas Lair, so I buffed everyone, ITH - Berseker and let's roll :D Everything went really good, I didn't run out of mana and it took like 2-3 mins to kill with 3 tanks too :P But I wasn't expecting the drops o.o It's only when it died and I saw this line: Phoenix gave MepheKol Spellbook (Meteor Strike). I was like holy shit o_o I have never gotten MS alone or even in party before :P It also dropped 48k adena, nzel and Dex ammy. It was a very good one hehe. I am still trying to sell the book so if anyone reads this and need it, whisper or mail me on MepheKol !

Congrats Adderstone on level 51 :)!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Worst company ever ...
NC makes me mad, since a couple of days I am lagging really bad, I am having 10 seconds+ spike (One of the reason I am not playing right now lol) I'm lucky, I haven't died yet but still suck... Also, they said they would fix the damn summons and pets cause they couldn't carry more than 8 items and they wouldn't drop on ground either. So they decided to shutdown the server for like 15 mins and when I get back... o.o first thing I see is SexiElf complaining about the pets cause they would not even carry 1 item =.= and it was exactly the same thing with summons. Woot, nice event NC, way to go! Oh and by the way, you are fucking gay :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Congrats Syler, level 50 Dark Elf!
Woot, first lvl 50 DE in BP :D! Good job dude, hope you like your new poly and also gratz on your lvl 2 Amulet of Kahel (Demon Karma) and by the way, I'll make a post later about the karma in Demon Temple and what stats are on every amulets! But keep going man, gogo lvl 55, we gotta duel again o_o i'm not gonna let you win this time hehe :P

Phoenix + Eternity = Ashes o.o
Last night, I was hunting with Blendel on TOI 10F, we were gathering mops and were killing everything with Lightning Storm, fun and good exp :) Well, untill Hack called Phoenix up, so we all met in Werldern and partied up. We went to upper Fire Valley and we finally get it. That bastard is harder since episode 6 qq but we did it with the help of Saimen O_O (bot in wannabe BOSS BP) But anyway, here are the drops: cash, pots, nzel and rof. We sold the rof to Blend for 800k o.o So, good job again everybody, we were only 4 peoples but we get this mofo!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Prince hits level 50!
I'm so glad, I finnaly reached level 50. It was pretty easy compared to my Mage when he was lvl 49 with 5% death loss lol :P But I did it and now I can hook up everybody with my new Royal Buff : Brave Aura (+5 Damage to melee). I also got 2 new quests now : Varlok Quest and the Trial of Doom (Diamond Sword quest). I've been writting BP letters to let them all know we're going to need more Mages lvl 50+ for the quests of course and if we ever going to siege. I also received my lvl 1 earrings (my first pair ever!) and since I can see my Karma experience I want to hunt TOS more, even if it's borring after a while lol. Anyway, I want to be at least 55+ so I have some leveling to do!

To introduce myself
I've been playing since 2003 or 2004 I can't remember. One of my friend showed me Lineage and with the time he let me play on one of his account so I could try it by myself. I finally liked it and spent more and more hours in it. My cousin joined us and we started 3 mages nammed Unlucky1, Unlucky2 and Unlucky 3 on Lands of Aden Server. Few months after, I started on my own on Depardieu...but I found out PVP wasn't my type and I ended up on Ken Rauhel with my 18 STR / CON mage, MageDemon :P But real life stuff happened with my mom and for a while I thought I would never be able to play Lineage again so I gave away my account to my cousin and he started his 2 characters, SteelShark and BrainSpirit. Couple of months after that...the same friend created an account by accident..don't ask me how I dunno lol but I took it and finally started as MepheKol aka the uber mage lol I am kidding :P I always loved mage for the spells but I wanted them to be stronger in melee and honestly...8 STR wasn't enough =/ so yeah, I am one of the rare Mages with 16 STR, 18 CON/WIS base now :D Meph has almost every spells, still need Destroy and Absolute Barrier...but anyway, considering my low INT (17), it would be useless to spend 150m on Dest hehe. When I tested Episode 6, I realized I couldn't handle elves anymore...I really hate what NC did to them...they are still strong in PVP...but so weak for hunt, they get nerfed a lot. So, bye bye level 51 Elf (Concession) and level 49 elf (S1nMaster), I sold all my gears and I could afford few items to equip my new Prince, ZenSworD, now level 50 CON Royal. A lot of stuff happened in my Lineage experience, I get hacked twice, I also lost some items by myself lol but anyway here I am with my BP mates, trying to level as much as we can and get more items and maybe one day...siege and get our own Castle :)
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