Hello my friends! Sorry for being away lately, some of you already know I have started school 2 weeks ago so it take most of my time. For easter holiday, I have 4 days off so I'll try to make at least 2 posts during this weekend. I have been getting few more items since the last time and 2 of them are used on my elf. I've been saving all my golds/silvers/platiniums to craft the Guarder of Ancient Archer and finally managed to get everything :)

You might think it's a lot of work for just +1 bow dmg and 80 HP but every little bonus help! But this Guarder would be useless with a good bow to accompany it ;) so I made a deal with ThornII because he was selling a +9 Thebes Bow and I was curious to see if it was that "great".

Well indeed it is a very good bow for int Elf and so far, I love it. I made it Gaia because S1nMaster is earth and I'll be hunting in Giran Prison a lot so earth element is the best there. More new items coming soon =)!
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