Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trying to catch up!

Hehe I really had to start posting again ;) Sorry for the lack of updates guys, I had plenty of things to do recently! So today I'll start with some old screenshots of bosses and a picture of something that I made :D

The first boss is Bapho with Grendil!

We can really see the improvement in the drops since the last mainland bosses update :P

The next boss is Ms. Iris =D

I'm glad to know I can kill her.. with a mage of course ;) As you can notice, it's a old picture, Zen is almost lvl 56 now lol

And the best for the end...

I had some luck that day, I made +8 Lastavard Bow for my Prince/Illu and +9 Arch Mage's Staff.. but of course it worths nothing now with the new over powered Thebes Staff o.o So... I sold it for the lame price of 10m qq; I remember spending over 16m adena to buy the Gold o' Pouches to obtain the Crystals of Bravery in the St-Patrick's event -.- Oh well... it's the game x.x! And by the way, happy new year to everyone, best wishes to you my friends :)

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