Thursday, January 27, 2011

Polymorph/2x drops event :)

Before Christmas, NC gave us an event: 2x more probability of getting items and every polymorphs unlucked :) We could really notice a difference in the drop rate. I went to many different places, TOI, DVC, Lastabad Dungeon 3F, Resistance, Fire Valley, Dreaming Island and Lastavard!

1. Me and my cousin SteelShark killing kitty :)

2. No elixir :( but at least the enchants were abundant :P

3. I was leveling my DK in FV and ran into a good old Ifrit :)

4. Ok, it never happened to me before, 3 enchants in a row o.O!

5. Big fun with the pledge on Lasta 4f =)

6. DVC always been one of my favorite places for easy money ;)

7. The damn Dark Elf Thieves had to pay off one day lol

I always enjoy those kind of event, fast & easy leveling and cash $_$ Well guys, it's time to get on and see if a hunt is planned for tonight! Take care and good luck =)

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