Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Talass gave you...

Most of you know there is only one item that can be obtained from Talass ;) Yep, I made myself a Sayha Bow v.v I already had the 15 White Dragon Scales in my elven storage (I was saving them to make a White Dragon Armor) but I changed my mind and decided to buy all the other components to craft the bow. I had no idea how long it would take to gather everything... I tried to hunt the Griffon Feathers/Wind Tears myself but my patience has limits o.o I spent few hours hunting Dark Elves and I have only gotten 1 Wind Tear -.- In my whole Lineage experience, not even one Griffon dropped me it's feathers o.o so I had no choice to buy them. Since the bots are gone, noone hunt Dark Elves anymore qq; so the 50 Wind Tears was really the hardest part. It took me couple of months to get everything but my pledge helped me :)

It's not the best bow in game but I'm proud to have made one (the first and last one ever QQ) On the picture you can see my exp bar is very close to full :D Well, as I was trying my new Sayha Bow all over Aden, I get to hit lvl 53 :)

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