Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Season 3, Episode 1 - Thebes Desert

NC also added a new place to hunt called Thebes Desert. In order to get there, you must find the Crack of Time located somewhere in Aden.

Once you found it, you gotta walk through it and you will be directly teleported to Thebes desert. There are few kind of monsters of different strenght for any levels players. On your way to the Pyramid, some of the mops will be aggresive and stronger but in overall, they are pretty easy and they give very nice exp v.v So as you know, a desert always been a good hunting spot for mage. Well, nothing has changed =) After few days, I saw some mage gathering pack of monsters and simply Meteor Strike everything to death. So I thought I could steal their idea and try it myself :P This is the result o_o!

That is a huge pack o.o! No need to say it's one of the favorite place for plenty of mages :P These monsters won't drop adena, they will only give green crystals nammed Fragments of Time. If you can save up to 100 of those fragments, you will be allowed to make a Cracked Nucleus. With this one, you can open a low-grade or high-grade Thebes box and obtain gems, enchant scrolls or the new Thebes Weapons. I opened 10 high-grade boxes and this is what I get :)

It is the Thebes 2hs I'm using on my DK ^.^ For my part, I really enjoy this new hunting ground :) Thebes Bosses will be soon coming in the next post :P

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