It is the Thebes 2hs I'm using on my DK ^.^ For my part, I really enjoy this new hunting ground :) Thebes Bosses will be soon coming in the next post :P
Another easy Dmg and Hit bonus! So my plans are to level this DK to 52 or higher, I want at least -70 AC with buffs and +9 Thebes 2hs :P
About my Illusionist, well he is now lvl 46 with 3/4 of the spells. I'm waiting to buy the last ones because I know the price on memory crystals will go down a lot in few weeks. I would like to introduce you Astedius :)
I had a hard time choosing the stats for my Illu, there are so many combinations! I know 75% of the peoples went full Str but I already have 2 damage dealers and I heard about this new weapon called Kiringku so I thought I could give it a try. Kiringkus are using a spell to attack so in other words, their damage is Int based. Except for Illusion: Avatar (+10 damage to any type of weaps) there are no other +dmg spell/buff that will make you hit harder with a Kiringku. Since it's a magic weapon, it will NEVER miss or break. It's doing good on regular mops but it sucks on bosses because they got higher magic resistance. It's just a matter of time untill I got more Int =) I am still not sure if it was a good decision but I added some points to Wisdom for the mp reggain and MR. I am always choosing my stats considering I will pvp later so with items, my Illu should have + - 150% MR at lvl 56 o.o I love most of the Illu buffs such as: Concentration (+2 mana reggain), Patience (+2 damage reduction), Insight (+1 to all stats) they are very usefull in party hunts! By completing lvl 30 quest, we would obtain memory crystal: Shock and also a Spellbook of Illusionist. It is a shield with -2 AC base and safe to +6 with some bonus on it, I tried my luck on one and made it +8 =D
I could be using my +9 Elven Shield but I thought 20 hp/mp and +1 Wisdom would be more usefull than just 1 more AC :P I guess Illusionist could be a good tank but it is also a very good support class. I will surely keep playing this char untill lvl 52+. My goal is to own a +9 Obsidian Kiringku or a +8 Sapphire Kiringku (lvl 50 quest reward) and at least -80 AC with buffs. I honestly think NC did a good move when adding those 2 classes to game!