Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fun on Test Server :)

I downloaded the new season on test server few weeks ago and enjoyed the new classes and the Thebe Desert. With the lvlup NPC located in Gludin, I get an Illusionist and a Dragon Knight to 60. After testing all the new spells, I went to Giran and saw GMs having fun spawning all kind of bosses! They buffed us and I let you guess what happened next :P


Without good items and mage to ITH you, I gotta say everyone died couple of times. I was fine untill Ice Demon stunned me o.o and of course the 1 hit kill from the Dragons ;) I get few items like DKS, Balt Cap and plenty of enchants!

I went back to test after few days, peoples were begging GMNyx to supply them with uber items. I wanted to try something on my Prince and I needed an item with HP decrease on it. So I talked with him and asked if he could give me a Cloak of Death.

After the trade was done, I identified the CoD and it was +7 o_o! Thanks Nyx :P

Once again, GMs spawned mops and bosses but this time on DI! They said on global that if we could reach the top of island and find the special Orc, we would get an Elixir but they didn't mention that it was impossible to get past water area lol, they spawned TONS of monsters!

GMs gave us some pots :)

I wonder who can carry all those clears o_o

I know they used to do this on live servers a while ago... they should really do this again, it would be a very good bosses/drops event and no exp loss!

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