Thursday, July 29, 2010

+9 Blessed Oriharukon Dagger

Before the summer "event" o.o I reactivated my cousin's (SteelShark) account and took the items I lent him. After few days of shop mode, I gathered an amount of 120m Adena. I didn't know if I should buy items for my Knight and use Valakas Armor or get a better bow for my Elf. Finally, I visited GTV and found a +9 B-Ori for 200m so I mailed CataMay. She accepted my offer of 120m and +8 B-Ori :)

I'm very surprised of the killing speed with this little dagger o.o the stats aren't so great but the blessing does additional damage to undead/demon type mops, it's also made of oriharukon and I love the fast swing in DK :D

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