Wednesday, June 30, 2010

IQ Castle hardcore o.o

I logged on Meph and I wanted to go check Ice Queen with other peoples. DivineLight and Adderstone accompanied me for that hunt. We were going slow but we made it to IQ room without any problems and fortunately for us, she was up :) We let Adder tank her, DL was casting sunburst/firewall and I was standing back, healing them. Everything was going fine untill it felt like she wouldn't die -.- Maybe we needed another tank but we just kept hitting her and finally... when I was getting low on mana, the nightmare occured o.o she probably started to summon her damn guards and the room spawn restarted... the result? lol run for your life!!

We had to escape, those IQ guards hurt too much... We were pissed to get that far and finally, no reward in return o.o Obviously, we needed one more high level tank but at least noone died. Anyway, I'm sure we'll get our revenge soon :P


  1. Try disease to negate IQ regen. Have 2-man IQ wit that and a high lvl tank.


  2. I thought disease would only drop AC by 12, it can also stop reggain?
