Wednesday, June 9, 2010

+10 Blessed Staff of Mana!

Dragua have been trying to sell his +10 B-SoM for few weeks and everytime, he was lowering his price. He started at 80m and after some days, he would ask 70m for it o.o And came the day he was selling it for 38m Adena Q_Q!! I'm really surprised noone else bought it before, I mean... SoM is a very good hunting staff for any Mages. Anyway, I didn't have enough money to buy it but I begged Kantor to loan me 15m cash o.o I whispered Dragua and offered him my +9 B-SoM and 25m Adena for it. He accepeted and we met at Giran :P

The stats might look newb and the -3 hit is stupid but it's light, unbreakable, it steals good amount of mana and it's blessed :) I'm in debts again but at least, I got another +10 weapon in my items =D

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