Tuesday, April 13, 2010
To Delta
I talked with few members from Delta and they wanted us to join them so I'll just take few minutes to explain my point of view. First of all, I created my Prince and my pledge 2 years ago so I think I can say we have a reputation on Ken. I lvled ZenSworD to 54 and I won't stop there, my goal is at least 55. I am not considering myself as a weak prince and I'm doing fine in sieges. Also, I spent many hours in this blog for our BP but also for everyone else to see our adventures. I've been in Delta once, I never really liked how everyone were ignoring me, not many peoples to talk with since 90% of them were asians. I know Delta was the strongest BP back then and I don't know what happened exactly but most of their members disapeared or moved to other pledges. Finally, few weeks ago, NFS had the great idea to start Delta once again. I have nothing against that but it makes me laugh to see peoples asking me to join a freshly re-made BP when I worked hard on my Prince/BP/Blog for almost 2 years but I guess they can't understand that. Also, I don't know for you guys but what would Ken Rauhel looks like if we only had 2 big pledges (SLM vs Delta) That would suck, I like diversity and not everyone wants to be in a BP where 3/4 of the Pledge talks a language they can't understand a word. I know we don't have many active members in Eternity anymore. I'll work on recruiting again and I must admit, few of my old members are in Delta now so please don't tell me my BP is almost dead because I had a lot more peoples before Delta show up again. You can blame me for being a bad Royal but some peoples don't give a shit anymore about loyalty, they are pledge-jumpers. Anyway, all I'm saying is, if Delta has plenty of members now..it's because I have not so many members here. Yesterday, at the IGG siege, I talked with LUCKY21. He said: Why would you have a castle if you can't defend it? He's right, if I still have IGG, it's because Delta helped us few times. He also said: If you really want it, why don't you show up at siege? Well LUCKY, fyi, I only missed 1 IGG siege in one month because I was with my girlfriend and it's the reason why Troje tried to steal it and Yilinprince took it instead. Trust me, I really wish more of my members could be there for sieges. BUT do you honestly think only 1 man would deserve a Castle over a whole Pledge? I represent Eternity and I think we have the right to own a Castle more than just an alt BP from someone of Delta or any other pledges. I will always help you at Aden siege and as I said in the previous post, I think allies need to help each others but please, don't ask me to merge with you. If peoples in Eternity want to move to Delta, it's their choice but I won't join you. I'm waiting for comments, don't be shy o.o you can tell me your point of view as well!
I think you are wise to keep your bloodpledge. In a few weeks, Delta will not be the "pledge of the month" and alot of the pledge hoppers will have moved on.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, I am really curious to see what will happen in the future but I will always be on Delta side. SLM/LinStyle had the control of most castles on Ken for long enough... and all I know is Delta is a blend of many blood pledges, QQfamily, SilentLegacy, The300 and some of them used to be in my BP before. It's kinda frustrating to see the newbies I recruted and helped moving to Delta.. but I can't do anything about it q_q
ReplyDeleteI respect delta cuz alot of membera ive had the pleasure of being with a made friends i can name alot i also have friends in slm but i dont like there playing style. i didnt like castle being closed thats the only reason DL SMASH i truly believe sieging has become more fun but when same pledge owns all the castle it becomes borring i do want to keep sieging i just hope everyone keeps castle open so our tiny server can enjoy the dungeons. Delta has my respect and i will always be at siege unless work gf sex money keep me away but other than that im there and i do hope the same respect is returned to me even if i am one person who shows up sometimes from eternity i hope to c all of u at our siege. i dont want issues to start happening. meph is a great prince his to nice somtimes and gets used like a paper towel but thats how people r i will stay in eternity until none logs on than i would move
ReplyDeleteI don't see what's the big deal? o.o No need to merge with Delta. You had your BP and worked hard to recruit players and create a good BP. You guys already help them at siege. If they are an ally, whats the big deal for them to come help defend your castle? I don't see the problem, but maybe I just don't know the whole story.
Maybe I'm wrong but it seemed like Delta would rather own IGG than us since we are not many anymore. And I would understand since sometimes more Delta show up at our siege than peoples from Eternity =/ I really want things to change, I guess I will need to talk with my peoples. Honestly, I don't think Delta needs more members tho, they are strong enough and I'm sure SilentLegacy would say the same thing if Delta asked them to merge. We are ready to help whenever but it doesn't require to be ALL in the same pledge. I love my BP and I love my members. Unfortunately, we lost so many players =/ but I'm confident, things will change one day :)
ReplyDeleteMeph u had a good siege at 1 point when all ur member loged and where nobs and try to lvl up but there lvls where just o low but.. i dont know what happen to ur people they left stoped i dont know i was in ur bp for awhile ur a good guy but sumtimes i though u need to grow up sumtimes dont know just my though but i agree with u not mergein in sumthing u work so hard for...
ReplyDeleteMeph u are a good prince and i am glad u got a pleade that hunts togher .All I was talking about at seige is that we seen some of your high lev menbers on and they was'nt at castal helping definding it or never even shown up to help. If your on Bp wont help seige a castal why own a castal ?
ReplyDeleteI would not bother helping them anymore meph if they are just going to cry about it.
ReplyDeleteWhy post anonymous put ur name up there buddy?
ReplyDeleteYA, let them get their own castal.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments everyone, I sure wish all the high levels in my BP would help in sieges but even peoples like SugarLips (lvl 65 DE) would rather make exp and cash than waste his time in pvp =/ Some players just don't like to fight, they just play the game for fun.
ReplyDeleteAnd I could easely count at least 10 high level peoples we have/had in Eternity: HacknSlash (lvl 57 Knight), Syler (lvl 54 DE), Adderstone (lvl 57 Knight), Philio (lvl 52 Elf), OoxmanoO (lvl 56 DE), ZfanZ (lvl 53 Knight), Frasace (lvl 57... well we thought lol), Messias (lvl 57 Elf) of course SugarLips (lvl 65 DE) and DivineLight (lvl 69 Mage) and I probably forgot a bunch but most of them started from scratch and been in my BP since the start. I really don't know what happened, why we lost so many good members but it's not impossible for our new recruits to reach lvl 52+, just a mather of time :)
ReplyDeletezzz usein my name ...u got a good thing goin zen it will just take time again keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteangrim i love u !!
ReplyDeleteDL =)
I love me too!
ReplyDeleteWell meph, pledge merge was just a suggestion. Although many of us were in your pledge at one point and we know you're a good princes the reason we left it's because you said no Chinese in pledge chat lol I made the suggestion it's because I thought it would be easier to communitcate during siege and for people who doesn't want to see languages other than English can use/englishonly off. Delta doesn't want to owe all the castles just when there's no one siege I think some people from delta want to own a castle for fun. If there's any issue you guys please feel free to talk to us you guys can take ur castle back anytime you want. I resepect you meph for working hard for your own pledge and a bloog for your pledgemates but merge was just an suggestion it wasn't a big deal at all lol just like whenever I see dl I'll ask him to join too XD we can't force you to do something you don't want to do you know just try to have fun sir XD
ReplyDeleteAnd for the first post, can you not hide ur name?
ReplyDeletePig sounds like a bought account.
ReplyDeletePointless comment will be ignored >_<
ReplyDeleteYou ignored it well.