Then we get on 2F and the mages reggained their mana. It was getting a little harder everytime we were going further but we were doing very good so far and I like challenge o_O The next mini-boss is Crepus on the third floor.
He kinda hurt with his sword o.o if I use Meph next time, I'll cast break weapon on him but anyway I wasn't the one pulling damage on my lil' prince :P We moved to the next rooms untill we finally get to Hellvine.
With 5 peoples tanking him, including DL with his IQ Staff o.o he died pretty quick. After Hellvine, we took a small break. 5 minutes later, everyone buffed up and then we were ready :D
Supreme Court Justice Keyna
Keyna is the first boss, she is pretty easy but she never drop anything q_q Then we walked to Viatas's room.
Supreme Court Justice Viatas
That guy isn't too bad either but every bosses on 4F have very high HP, they probably have all over 10k+ HP. They take some time to kill but if you're lucky, you can get good drops from them. The picture kinda suck, we don't see him perfectly, I blame it on DL's Lava Golems o_o!
Supreme Court Justice Baromes
Baromes doesn't hit very hard but he's not the coolest looking boss I have seen lol.
Supreme Court Justice Endias

Aside from Glarielle, he's the only boss using a bow and I think it's original :P After Endias, we moved to the next room and that one had no timer so our mages could finally reggain and buffs everyone.
Supreme Court Justice Edea
In appearance, she is very similar to Keyna and she didn't drop anything either lol
Supreme Court Justice Tiames
And this one makes me think of Hellvine o_o he is also casting the same spell attack. The drops sucked but I'm sure he can give better :P
Supreme Court Justice Ramias
Ramias is looking bad ass, I wouldn't like to be the one taking hits from him :P He doesn't use spells, just his claws and he will summon Black Tigers and Hell Bounds when he'll be about to die. For the drops... well you can judge by yourself :D! We sold the sc 20m which I think is a lot for a spell that has exactly the same effect as exotic vitalize.
Supreme Court Justice Barode

This is the last and the strongest of all the bosses on 4F. He hurts more than Baranka and without ITH, it's a suicide. After Barode we went to the last place before Dantes (the NPC for Dark Elf Holy Land) We killed Lastavard Royal Guard and Cassandra.
New King Adjutant Cassandra

We get nothing from her but WarLord told us she can possibly drop good stuff so maybe next time :D From now on, everytime we'll have enough members online, I think Lastavard 4F could be one of the best options for group hunts :)