In the last 2 weeks me and my pledge mates hunted many places. I'll start with the bosses we killed. Since I got DK poly, I can finally take advantage of using my +9 crystal dagger so I wanted to go somewhere with decent drops and good exp. We went to 40f and 10 seconds after we get there, I moved down and I saw Zombie Lord using an haste pot o.o Most of us had never fought it before, it didn't drop very well but it was fun for sure :P

The next boss was ZQ with RoseThorne. I wanted her to be better at healing with using a Staff of Mana and I know TOI 1-10F is a nice place for MP and is also a good practice for targetting. I was hoping we would find ZQ and indeed it was up o_o This time, we get the charm and I've been lucky enough to get 2m for it lol.

Bapho up! well I was bored so I just thought I could make you believe I was the real one o.o! I am checking it everyday on Concess but I haven't seen the goat yet o_o

Rose was doing her lvl 45 Mage quest when she ran into Dopple Boss. It took some times before we found it and seriously... this boss is a real joke... even worst than Ifrit o.o Look at the drops lmao...

For the last Boss, Sugar told me Abyss Master was at start of Elemental Grave but he couldn't solo and he just went to hunt Resistance instead. I wasn't sure if I could kill it alone but I thought I could give it a try :P I never really used any of my spells to fight a boss beside ith, heals and stuff like that but nothing such as darkness, silence, break weapon etc. I was thinking of a plan when I finally get the idea of casting darkness on it and in meantime I could kill all of it's summons. It worked good... well untill it was time to start killing it. That damn Boss canceled me with 100% mr -_- I had to ask for help so Hack and Sugar came to my rescue! o.o

And for the hunts, right after we killed that cheap boss o.o we went to check Mambo Rabbit but we couldn't find it =/ I went to Recluse Village to hunt in the northeast of Great Cavern to try to get my Mage an Absolute Barrier SB. I was in party with Sugar who was still hunting in Elemental Grave and then... that lucky babo get his drop of the day.

We also have been to PLOB (Polluted Land of Blessing) and it didn't go very well on the first attempt cause the spawn was fucked up and there were tons of mops of all kind anywhere, but mostly in the burnt Gludio looking town. I ran out of mana and Sugar died due to lag =( We tryed again with more peoples o.o we killed everything on our way but unfortunately Spirit Boss wasn't up.

We did go to Ship Graveyard with me as Zen, DreadLord, SugarLips, Rose and Prim. I liked it for the first 10 minutes because the spawn at start is always crazy. We have been trying to find Chief Mermaid and Great King Squid but no luck with them =/

And the best for the last, I was standing by Oren dwarf when Chainsmoke teleported not far from me. Some lvl 52+ mage has left his 2 dire wolf there and I guess he though he could easely kill them. He died in 2 hits LMAO but at least he tryed o.o