Friday, February 27, 2009
Demon End to Eternity
With DreadLord and ZenSworD in the lead we made short work of Demon boss thanks to Amaryn who gave the boss call to Ivory Tower 8th floor. The teamwork was spot on and the drops weren't bad either.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mammon & Count Taros!
RavenSky, myself, RoseThorne and Primordius were practicing pvp in TI arena when SugarLips asked help for Mammon. We all met in the first floor of the Giran dungeon. Once on 3f, spawn was crazy and Rose died and we couldn't res her. Then we just started to run to Count's room. They were both at entrance, waiting for us o.o Prim almost died but we finally managed to kill them. Took a bit of time, Mammon has tons of HP and he can heal himself. It was fun, it was also my first time killing them :)

Death Knight ZenSworD.
Monday, February 23, 2009
This and that #2 o.o
This is me trying to survive in the DM of Giran, we definitely get pwned in the 3rd round x_x. It was cool but we needed more peoples.

I went to GTV to check what was on the market and I found this... o.o I have never seen one before, I wanted a dress for Meph but it seems to be for Princess only o_o

And for the end, I hunted in SKT caves 4f and this babo covered all my pots in 2 lines o_o

I went to GTV to check what was on the market and I found this... o.o I have never seen one before, I wanted a dress for Meph but it seems to be for Princess only o_o

And for the end, I hunted in SKT caves 4f and this babo covered all my pots in 2 lines o_o

PWDM, entrance of TOI
We got many members online in the evening most of the time. That day, we were around 8-10 so I was thinking I could organize something fun. I still needed 2 pine wands for 40. SuaSponte gave them to me :P and I talked about PWDM in BP chat. I only had to choose a place. I didn't want to do it in BP house again and I wanted a bit of challenge so... I said "Let's try TOI entrance!" We all met there and after 5-10 minutes, we started. I had a lot of fun and the Giants made it harder :P Next time, I'll save 50 pines and I want to do it on every 10th floors (10-20-30 etc).

Giant Worm and Demon!
I was cooking something and when I cameback to Lin, Hack called Giant Worm up. I logged on Meph cause we needed at least 1 mage for buffs and heals. Artorios and Blackwid0w also came to help us. I could have just healed the peoples but I thought I could use my sof o_o and kill this worm a bit faster :P That was fun and it also dropped good :)

Later on the same day, my newb healbot, Primordius o.o found Demon and of course we only had 2 tanks and 1 mage on qq and I can't say I'm really strong on Zen lol. Anyway we met on the 7th floors. Envee get lost... but at least Blackwid0w and Abraham logged on. I went on 6f to find Envee and I saw a korean with a little penis... I mean LittlePen o.o (lvl 60+ DE in SLM) so I blocked the entrance untill all my BP mates were there. It kinda get crazy cause more and more peoples showed up -.- like everyone knew it was up. We tryed our best bot couldn't get a decent drop from it, only 6 braves o.o anyway enjoy the screenshots, I think they look bad ass :P

Later on the same day, my newb healbot, Primordius o.o found Demon and of course we only had 2 tanks and 1 mage on qq and I can't say I'm really strong on Zen lol. Anyway we met on the 7th floors. Envee get lost... but at least Blackwid0w and Abraham logged on. I went on 6f to find Envee and I saw a korean with a little penis... I mean LittlePen o.o (lvl 60+ DE in SLM) so I blocked the entrance untill all my BP mates were there. It kinda get crazy cause more and more peoples showed up -.- like everyone knew it was up. We tryed our best bot couldn't get a decent drop from it, only 6 braves o.o anyway enjoy the screenshots, I think they look bad ass :P

Thursday, February 19, 2009
This and that!
I was bored of hunting TOS so I went to upper FV for a bit. I started to hit an Astagio, then all it's crew came to end me o.o Hopefully I survived! and as a gift, one of them dropped me nzel.

We were on a Boss trip the other day, we killed Giant Worm (bkat was best) and some other I can't remember. Anyway, Hack wanted me to show him the way from TOI 1-10f cause he wanted to go check ZQ. It was on a reset day, spawn was pretty awsome o_o. You can see by yourself on this screenshot :P Cockatrices would keep coming but me and Hack were just standing there and saying: c'mon, bring it on mu-fucka! o.o

While I was hunting in SKT caves 4f, Mr. Monitor37 was just passing by and wanted to grant me... lol jk but he did ask me some questions such as my AC, my polymorph etc. Ok that's cool, as long as you ban the good peoples :P Anyway, the day after, I was in fvb and look who whispered me o_o...

We were on a Boss trip the other day, we killed Giant Worm (bkat was best) and some other I can't remember. Anyway, Hack wanted me to show him the way from TOI 1-10f cause he wanted to go check ZQ. It was on a reset day, spawn was pretty awsome o_o. You can see by yourself on this screenshot :P Cockatrices would keep coming but me and Hack were just standing there and saying: c'mon, bring it on mu-fucka! o.o

While I was hunting in SKT caves 4f, Mr. Monitor37 was just passing by and wanted to grant me... lol jk but he did ask me some questions such as my AC, my polymorph etc. Ok that's cool, as long as you ban the good peoples :P Anyway, the day after, I was in fvb and look who whispered me o_o...

Hunts with Philio
Hello everybody, I haven't posted a lot this week, I've been concentrating on my Prince, I am getting closer to lvl 52 everyday :) I should lvlup on sunday :P Well anyway here are few pictures I recently took. This is me and Phil fighting against the right twins o_o

We get crap qq, czel was best. After that, we tryed to find a place to hunt so I thought of Abyss Lake. So we went there, walked all the 4 floors because Phil did not have the charm and once in Elemental Grave, I realized we forget to bring Bless of Eva Q_Q lol. We started to hunt slowly. Now all the Scorpions are aggro if you hit any monsters, it made it harder to hunt tho and then we ran into this...

That's a nice pack of 6 lizardmans, 3 crabmans, 2 beholders and 1 turtle...the peoples who have been here before know how hard the turtles are. We weren't brave enough to try so we just ran away o.o I took Phil to Recluse and showed him the Dark Elementalist spot. Was a cool hunt :)

We get crap qq, czel was best. After that, we tryed to find a place to hunt so I thought of Abyss Lake. So we went there, walked all the 4 floors because Phil did not have the charm and once in Elemental Grave, I realized we forget to bring Bless of Eva Q_Q lol. We started to hunt slowly. Now all the Scorpions are aggro if you hit any monsters, it made it harder to hunt tho and then we ran into this...

That's a nice pack of 6 lizardmans, 3 crabmans, 2 beholders and 1 turtle...the peoples who have been here before know how hard the turtles are. We weren't brave enough to try so we just ran away o.o I took Phil to Recluse and showed him the Dark Elementalist spot. Was a cool hunt :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Newest Lvlups!
100th Frags!
I did it! o_o I finally saved up to 100 Fragments of Soul Stone and all from hunting. I know it's nothing for some people and it's only the 1/10 of the TOS charms but... it took a while to get. I think everyone can agree that Follower of Chaos don't drop often o.o Anyway, I went to exchange them all for Karma in TOD. I was kinda surprised when I checked my Karma exp at Alfons: The degree of good relations toward Varlok is 0% of level 2. I was like damn o.o already got my Twin Earrings. I was expecting another 100 frags to complete my lvl 2 but it seems it was enough :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009
TOI Bosses = fun!
Like almost everyday now, I am checking the duo Seer-ZQ. I'm glad because on Ken not many peoples check bosses o.o and I find them 80% of the time. And I'm even happier because today I get what I needed the most from Seer o_o I wasn't sure I could make it though, look at the shit load of mops x_x!

I used it on Zen, he will need it for lvl 52+ :) I went to 10F, the entrance was crowded with mops but when I ran down, it was empty then I saw Mrs. ZQ o.o and at the same time, a monitor whispered me. I was like go talk to someone else I gotta get my Ring of Zenith o.o Unfortunatly, I didn't get one lol but always fun to kill her :)

I used it on Zen, he will need it for lvl 52+ :) I went to 10F, the entrance was crowded with mops but when I ran down, it was empty then I saw Mrs. ZQ o.o and at the same time, a monitor whispered me. I was like go talk to someone else I gotta get my Ring of Zenith o.o Unfortunatly, I didn't get one lol but always fun to kill her :)

News of the week
Hi everyone, I haven't been playing much this week but I still made some good drops and exp. The other day, BLACKWID0W called me to south Drake so I helped him but we get crap. Though, this Harpy been nice to me, I've only gotten 2 so far from them and I hunted in DV many time lol.

I logged on Meph and I saw a Zen's fan standing at the Oren dwarf o_o At least he can recognize I'm the best, jk :D oh and by the way TrueKing is Envee's royal :P

And finally, yessss finally o.o I got my level 1 Earrings. Now I won't bother anyone with them anymore o_o -1 ac yay! Oh and if you get any frags, save them for me, I'll soon need to buy 100 of them to complete my lvl 2 :)

I logged on Meph and I saw a Zen's fan standing at the Oren dwarf o_o At least he can recognize I'm the best, jk :D oh and by the way TrueKing is Envee's royal :P

And finally, yessss finally o.o I got my level 1 Earrings. Now I won't bother anyone with them anymore o_o -1 ac yay! Oh and if you get any frags, save them for me, I'll soon need to buy 100 of them to complete my lvl 2 :)

Monday, February 9, 2009
Phoenix end on fvb!
My cousin (SteelShark) went to my home. We talked for a while then he logged on to play a bit on my Mage, he played for like 15 minutes but it seems it was enough to found Pho up by Taurverus loop o_o. So I called everyone to meet at werldern. Myself, Permaximum, Philio and Envee partied up and went to fvb, I dunno why Perm get lost and was around Right IGG but when we get to Taur Loop, it was gone...and at the same time Perm said in BP chat...it's on beach, near Right IGG o.o We runned there and some peoples from The300 were there already... We started to hit it. RavenSky and Albanota were trying to survive hoping to get any drops q_q. Dragua...was o.o stupidly casting Destroy...but it was useless since he never been close enough to get a drop, he was just running around with a Salamander and a Taurverus on him lol. Then, LUCKY21 showed up and it ended after a min. I know drops sucked but I'm happy cause we get everything. This kind of situation shows it's not always the level that is important but the way you play and prepare, also known as "skills" o_o!

That is pretty funny and sad o.o Alba was standing there, unpolied and a Fire Warrior came and 1 hitted her o.o she felt on ground and....I didn't meant to be rude o.o but I laughed so hard, she stayed alive the whole time to Phoenix and she died 1 hit from a normal mops QQ

That is pretty funny and sad o.o Alba was standing there, unpolied and a Fire Warrior came and 1 hitted her o.o she felt on ground and....I didn't meant to be rude o.o but I laughed so hard, she stayed alive the whole time to Phoenix and she died 1 hit from a normal mops QQ

FI hunt!
Last friday, I woke up at 9:00 am instead of 2:00 pm lol Some peoples were surprised to see me online on Lin o.o Well anyway I had more time to hunt so more drops and exp :) I don't remember where I was hunting when Permaximum asked me to go FI, since he is new to the BP, I was thinking I could show him my uberness o_o jk So we did go to Bugbear area first to get some pots in case G-Mino was up. We finally moved to Mino area. NYCROS was hunting there already, so I thought we wouldn't get any drops or couldn't find the big Mino o_o For like 10 minutes Nyc left, probably had to go afk and then I casted Firestorm on a pack of 4 minotaurs and I guess you know what happened next lol...

First A-Scroll in party :) I felt bad for Nycros o.o he was there the whole time and when he left for 10 mins, we made 10 millions o_o! I am still trying to sell it, so whisp or mail offer :D

First A-Scroll in party :) I felt bad for Nycros o.o he was there the whole time and when he left for 10 mins, we made 10 millions o_o! I am still trying to sell it, so whisp or mail offer :D
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My recent adventures!
I could make 3 or 4 different posts but I feel lazy so I will write everything in the same one :D I will first start with when I went to see what Poly I would have from Keplisha and I thought I could take 2 sec to read my horoscope...

I checked it at 3:30 am so I just said fuck it I gotta sleep lol anyway I don't think it's true, I don't believe horoscope in real life, imagine on a game o_o Next thing is our #2 PWDM in BP House, here is the screenshot.

I went to DI and many spirits were up. Me and Kinshi killed like 6 unis, 5 Water and 6 Fire Spirit and get ndai best qq; But at least this Earth spirit dropped me 9 lines of goodies before I started to hunt with Kin o_o

After that...oh yeah, I was on my way to SOE when Kinshi told me to come Giran, he said it was really worth coming so...I went there to check it out...o.o

And finally, I went to try out SOE cause I need karma since I still don't have my @$%?#!*& lvl 1 earrings... I had fun... running anywhere since I was getting pwned o.o Oh well...I still found out some ways to hunt there but it's preferable with bow user o_O Anyway here is the picture of me and Ceinna.

I checked it at 3:30 am so I just said fuck it I gotta sleep lol anyway I don't think it's true, I don't believe horoscope in real life, imagine on a game o_o Next thing is our #2 PWDM in BP House, here is the screenshot.

I went to DI and many spirits were up. Me and Kinshi killed like 6 unis, 5 Water and 6 Fire Spirit and get ndai best qq; But at least this Earth spirit dropped me 9 lines of goodies before I started to hunt with Kin o_o

After that...oh yeah, I was on my way to SOE when Kinshi told me to come Giran, he said it was really worth coming so...I went there to check it out...o.o

And finally, I went to try out SOE cause I need karma since I still don't have my @$%?#!*& lvl 1 earrings... I had fun... running anywhere since I was getting pwned o.o Oh well...I still found out some ways to hunt there but it's preferable with bow user o_O Anyway here is the picture of me and Ceinna.

Monday, February 2, 2009
long time no post o.o
alright i have been slacking when it comes to posting but i been real focused on lvling and thanks to that i got...
i made this today and ty HQE from noobclub bp for actually making it for me :)
i love the new armor for sure, now i have to make another to try to enchant lol. my current exp is 
i cant wait to get to 52 lol, well anyways its time to go to work x.x gl every and see u next time :)

thanks everyone for the support. along the way to 50 i noticed some crazy talk o.o
and my daddy...

i cant wait to get to 52 lol, well anyways its time to go to work x.x gl every and see u next time :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I was doing my stuff when Philio logged on. I asked him to go inside TOS with Meph. We made around 2 frags, 1 bbs and 0.40%. I was talking with him when a flame appeared in a square on the ground. I was like... is it Chaos o.o? So I went up and it was there, it teleported me but I had time to escape. I called BP members but since ep 6 you need that special buff from Assistant of Varlok in TOD and it requires lvl 1 Karma. Only Hack came to help us. Philio was killing the Priests and Hack was trying to kill Chaos o.o but that damn boss Stun so much x_x. When we found out Philio didn't get the buff we told him to go get it and the minute after, it ended. You know me, when I saw the number of Frags I was like "O_O" lol That was a pretty nice hunt :P 0.50% and 11 frags each o_o. Now I gotta get my damn lvl 1 Earrings!