Friday, January 30, 2009
31F to 40F with Pledge mates!
We had to do at least one big hunt in this event! I told them I haven't been on 40F since ep6 cause I knew the mops were a bit stronger and they would drop less than before but with the event I would probably go anywhere :P So, myself on my Prince, Adderstone, Kinshi and Philio went to 31F. The spawn was pretty low untill 37F and 38F. I wasn't sure if we would find Zombie Lord but I told them to be ready to ITH me and Adder and stand back if we ever see it. Well, it was up o.o and right when I saw it, I started to lag qq; I tryed to hit it but there was a fucking delay... I was casting my Royal buffs and they were appearing like 10 seconds later... that was really gey. Anyway we managed to kill it. Adder get nkat, Bzel and cash. I get the Charm and I knew noone would buy it since 41F scrolls drop like candies so I gave it to Kinshiboy. Good job guys =)

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Got stuck
The good and bad of this event
I knew we would have the Santa items just like every Christmas...the thing is we are in february =.= NC is so fucking retarted sometimes... Anyway, I tryed to find these event mops to see what kind of drops I would get. I killed my first one in Giran, dropped few Black Mith Arrows and Fireworks...I was like umm not bad if they can drop like this everytime. I was watching the Global chat....woot mithril dagger! nice ITH....cool AS spellbook!! So yeah...the economy is going to be fucked up once again. AS went from 25m to 1m in only one freaking day...and let's take Lightning Storm SB as example...the damn bots dropped the price of this SB so much and now NC is giving us more of them o.o So yeah...whatever you get from event it has no value now...because everyone has at least one already qq Oh well I found a good spot to find the Abominable Snowman but after a while I get bored...I wouldn't make a good drop. So I decided to hunt since we got 32 more AC. I went to upper FV on Meph to level my wolves o_o spawn was really good since there were peoples running everywhere in BK poly. I found a Snowman and I know it's not worth anything lol but I'm glad I get one...
That was a good sock o.o I'm saving AS for later, maybe a pledge mate will need it :P While I was in Giran, Coronis said there was a snowman in the Dog Race o.o I had to take a screenshot :D
And finally, I went to DI and I gotta say the extra AC didn't help me much o.o Water Spirit still hurts as hell x.x but it was easier to kill that hasted Nightmare :P I know most lvl 52+ Mages can do it but they usually use 3 dire wolf and just heal them, it's different the melee way :P

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Recent hunts & drops!
Nothing much these last days. I just started to check bosses more often than I did before :P So, like always, I check Seer first, then ZQ and Ancient Giant in the end but no luck with AG yet and I haven't killed it for a long time now. I want Titan Belt! o.o Oh well, while I was hunting and checking Elindaire in the Heine Dungeon 3f, I ran into Cursed Great Spirit of Water. It's not really hard but it has 1800 hp and this time it dropped good :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pine Wand Death Match!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Me against Zenith Queen o.o
The other day I was thinking about going to check Seer, AG and ZQ since it only cost one 11F TOI scroll to check them all. I did the whole 20F and Seer wasn't up :( I went to TOI entrance and no AG either qq but I've been lucky with ZQ :P I brought her to the stairs of 9F, I went down to buff myself and tryed to kill her. I can now say having lots of HP is a good thing for bosses but only along with good AC and MR and it's not my case o.o I had a hard time fighting her...Cockatrice kept coming x.x and ojs couldn't keep my HP up. Somehow, her name went from green to white o_o Who's the newb now muhaha!? lol though she dropped junks.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hunts of the day!
I first started with TOI 1-10F on Meph since we are on reset day, spawn is always uber :D But unfortunately, ZQ wasn't up =/ and nzel from Medusa was best thing I get up there. Looks like Adder wanted to make a BP hunt so I offered him 3~4 different places. We wanted to go Kent Castle Dungeon but...of course fucking gates were closed and no ways to get someone coming to open them...probably another Korean BP as owner. So we took option 2, Ship Graveyard. I asked BP folks if any of them would like to come with us. AbrahamSamue and XSaphiraX came on her main char (Fairydust89). I would say the hardest part is right at entrance, the spawn is crazy. Our friend ITH helped us a lot o.o We tryed to find the Bosses but...no luck :( anyway maybe it's better that way, I had that feeling that someone would die to Chief Mermaid lol. Adder been lucky with the mops down there, you'll find out why with the screenshots :P

After that, I decided to hunt on Zen, I needed to get him at 10% :) There were already 2 guys from The300 on FVB but more people = bigger spawn :D I finished my percent and made some adena but I also get an extra from that Dragonfly o_o

After that, I decided to hunt on Zen, I needed to get him at 10% :) There were already 2 guys from The300 on FVB but more people = bigger spawn :D I finished my percent and made some adena but I also get an extra from that Dragonfly o_o

Its another post by good old Dreadlord o.o
I gotta thank Meph for helping me with my Skele Ammy quest and here is a pic of the maiden voyage o.o
just a ndai but was fun for sure. now for the end o.o
not to bad of a gain, to bad I got to work alot the next few days. Till next time gl all and be good o.o

then I go check my morph of the day thing and look what happens...
lol Meph is a cool dude, then on global someone called pheonix...

not to bad of a gain, to bad I got to work alot the next few days. Till next time gl all and be good o.o
Lastabad to Lastavard with HacknSlash!
I hunted in TOS to get some Karma and when I finally get to 8%...I was like damn...I dunno where to go now and Hack said: Show me Lastavard! Alright dude, let's get pwned o_o So we started at Lastabad entrance. We walked to the 3rd floors killing almost everything. I was telling him Lastabad is a good place for exp and decent for the cash and drops (I get Fog of Sleeping SB from DE Wizard today :P) I showed him Oum Dungeon and we finally get to Resistance Village. I explained him everything about the mops and the drops since he had never been there before. We were almost at the path to Lastavard when one of the Dire Wolves felt generous and gave us a nice gift o_o!

I was thinking we wouldn't even last 1 min. I've been there with other peoples before and we really get owned. Well...I switched to Healbot mode o.o and we started moving slowly. Well, the mops did hurt but my MP wasn't really going down and we were taking 1~3 mops at the time so it wasn't too bad. I laughed hard when I saw that over my Succ Doll o.o!
Damn Cursed DE had to Stun my innocent Doll o.o! Anyway hehe we killed the Gatekeeper and moved to the next room. We met the Brigade Commander and before Ep 6, I was used to prepare and buff and then attack it but it's agressive now q_q I was low on MP but it finally died lol. So far, we were really doing good. I summoned cause I knew we would have to kill another Boss soon. We ended that one too and we reached the 2nd Floor!

We hunted a bit around there just to see what it looks like. We had to leave because Hack had no more Braves but anyway I'm glad I made 1% in that hunt and I had something to post on blog :P We opened all the Urns and the Supplies Bags but we get nothing good. Well thanks for the fun Hack, we got to hunt more often and bring the BP down there :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Me against a Drake o.o
As always, I hunt at least once per day in DVB. Today, the spawn was kinda dead on the beach so I went up and I get to South Drake location... and it was up o_o I remember trying to kill one at level 49....it took forever with succ poly and without lvl 50 Royal buff. Drakes are harder with new ep tho. Well that was a lot easier, I used about 120 reds and it dropped czel best. Well I'm glad I did it...I know it's not spectacular but it's the first time I solo a Drake on Zen :D

Monday, January 19, 2009
2nd post, on a roll o.o
well first thing i gotta say, like last time, tons of nice people on this server
remember the last post with the spider, well he came back to scare me o.o
and finaly i lvled today :)
ty guys for all the support, remember if u see me say something funny so i can post it o.o till next time gl all :)

i saw a guy in town and he has to stay away from my daughter o.o
then i forgot about feeding my snakes and this guy reminded me to do it o.o

ty guys for all the support, remember if u see me say something funny so i can post it o.o till next time gl all :)
I was hunting Barbados Hideout (Heine Castle Dungeon), I made my 1% and then I started to check for the boss with random tele. I was about to leave when I finally saw him. I checked who were online in the BP. /Pledge - MepheKol, Kinshi, DreadLord (afk). Umm alright o_o I wanted to end it since I never get to kill that mofo before but I had to call some of my friends to help us. Darkcasum, myself as Zen, Kinshi, SuaSponte and Snoopie came. That didn't went well. Snoop and Sua died, we had no Mage to ITH them....and this damn boss (lvl 70 o.o) hurt like hell. Syler logged on (my hero!) and get to us. Once again...things went crazy...cause some ppl would not listen to us or just wouldn't wait for Syler to hit Barbados for at least 1 min to make sure it wouldn't turn on other people. Sua called Lucky21 and PurpleLace...oh well qq, we killed it...fine but I know we can do it with less than 8 persons q_q Anyway thanks to everyone for coming. I don't even want to tell the drops lol, not worth it qq But we learn from experience and next time, it will be different :) Oh and sorry for the picture....too many people on it so we can't really see what it looks like o.o!

Maino Shaman!
Arlo called me for the IGG boss, I wasn't sure if it was the crystal golem or the Shaman. I have never seen one of them before. Looks like it was the Maino Shaman, it was right at entrance, waiting for us :P So we managed to kill it, myself, Arlo and DYSNOMIA. Dropped junk lol, the only thing that worth some adena is his Tail Hair (100k) Thanks for the call Arlo, was fun and I hope to see the golem one day :P

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today's hunts
Hello guys, I'm going to bowling with couple of my friends soon so I thought I would make a quick post of my hunts of the day. I logged on, went to FVB, nothing particular, just made .50% and then I went to TOI 4f. When I found my second Medusa, I get a drop that some of our Mages will eventually need (Check the screenshot below :P) I didn't get any % cause Hack called Giant Worm up o.o So yeah, Kinshi, myself and Syler came to Hack, buffed up and pwned that ugly worm o_o It's gey because Kinshi died in the last seconds before it ended =/ we didn't get anything good, just 34k adena, 2 nzels and 1 relic of eva. I get back to FVB and in 2 minutes I made my drop of the day, yep a bzel from an egg :P I also ran into Ifrit in the same hunt, just an nzel and some other junks lol. Well that's about it for today, I haven't played much but I had fun :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Prince hits level 51!
So yeah, 3rd level 51+ chars :) I finally made it! Just when Succ poly was really starting to piss me off :P but OF COURSE, I had to die...at least once before I lvl up =_= fucking lag death when I was at 99.55% but oh well...I get 11 hp gain which is not bad at all. I added in STR, I also use the ammy and I can now wear my Tarak's Gloves v_v Kurtz is a pretty cool poly tho. I'll take my time now, since it's funnier to hunt :) I went in TOD to get my Twins Earrings :P oh and by the way, Cainna casted AS on me and guess what! 1080 HP o_O so crazy! Eternity, it's time to hunt and check Bosses now :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hi everyone
I'm new to the server, made this account friday and I gotta say its by far the most fun. I originaly come from LOA, I played CountYorga there but quit a few years ago. The people here are the best, they helped me out alot, I didnt get ss of them (gotta get used to doing that again)but they know who they are for sure. I joined this pledge a couple days ago and its nice. I was lvling in fv and Iffy came to own me so I called for help...
met this guy yesterday, he just hit 52 and is a nice guy...

well thats all for today, gl and see u all in game :)

I swear I have the biggest fear of spiders and of course...
and the final thing o.o, I met a monitor and also my new lvl o.o

well thats all for today, gl and see u all in game :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
M to tha K level increased.
Yep, I am now level 57 on Meph! Finally have 18 int, yay I feel like I am a normal Mage o.o I haven't really hunted on him yet but I can feel a little difference :) BUT I get a fucking gey 6 MP lvlup... what's wrong NC, you hate me or what? I have gotten 10-8-6 MP these last levels and I am suposed to be 18 WIS mage o.o Gonna have to change my title now to: Cursed q_q Anyway I'm still gonna get this mofo level 60+. Now It's time to level the Prince, I am kinda tired of using Succubus o_O!

Ouch x_x
Today for my last percents before I turn lvl 57, I decided to go on 10F, one of my favorite spot for the drops, exp and fun o.o and it's one of the rare place I can solo with Ep 6, soft AC sucks qq ...but anyway, as usual, it's pretty easy with 2 dire wolves and DK but how could I be prepared for that o_O? I casted ITH and earthquake and I though it could be a nice pic for the blog but when I looked back at my HP, ITH were gone and g-heal wasn't enough to keep up...I was about to press escape hotkey but too late... dead x.x It always happen, everytime I'm close to level, I die... Well you better enjoy this screenshot o.o I died for you guys!

Random teleport bug o.o
I found a new spot to level but I'm not telling anyone yet :P First of all, I gotta test if it's good enough in term of exp :) Anyway after my hunt, I was looking for Bardabos (The Heine Castle Boss) so I randomly teleported anywhere in the dungeon and I get there ... o.o So people, don't be surprised if you find me walking on the mountains, I'm just lovin' it o_o!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Syler level 52!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tarak's Gloves v_v
The story began 2 days ago o.o when I saw that pair of T-Gloves for 100m in GTV but I couldn't afford them and I didn't want to get rid of any of my items, I hate to trade a part of my gear for another one q_q. The day after, while I was hunting DVB, Kinshi said on BP chat: T-Gloves 70m! I was like fuck that...I need to get them lol. So I whispered the guy, hopefully he was in shop in GTV but not away from his computer but he wasn't understanding a word from me lol. Raynhot (his brother o.o) talked with me and we tryed to find a deal...and we finally agree with +8homr and 20m adena which is like 80m...but the gloves worth 100m alone and I needed them BAD :) There they are, so pretty and so uber v.v

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Event finally over!
For some reasons I am glad the drop and poly event ended today, back to the normal grind, back to the normal drops etc Now I will focus on leveling and after that, on BP hunts and Bosses :) But anyway, beside MS, I haven't really made anything good during event..I had no luck with Black Wizard Amulet lol :P I will try again later. Here are the rare but kinda useless/worthless things I get o_o

Monday, January 5, 2009
Nice hunt in new TOS
3th death in 50 levels q_q
After Philio leveled up, I wanted to hunt with him, v_v NB elf :P I was thinking we could go TOI 20F to check Seer and get some 21f scrolls. Azcas logged on so I invited him to come with us. We made it to 19f no problem, Phil and Azcas summoned and we were ready. I first went up...there were around 10 mops...alright we can handle that no problem...then come more and more mops in few seconds...finally 20 on us o.o I'm still surprised I had time to take screenshot lol...anyway I died q_q when my HP dropped from 400 to 0 -.- in one sec, fucking Swords hurt bad! In this situations you can't really talk or I would have told them to venz. Azcas ran down, get stuck and died. At least Philio had the time to escape. Also, HQE showed up in Black Knight poly. If Seer was up, he would have get it x_x And of course, all our mages were AFK so we couldn't get Grez. I guess I'll wait before I go on 20f again haha :P

Congrats Philio new level 50 Elf :)!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Loving Ivory Tower 5F :)
I wanted to hunt somewhere else, I was kinda boring of hunting TOS or fvb all the time, so I looked at my +10 dama sword and thought Ivory Tower 5F would be nice with the drops/poly event. I took 600 reds with me. At the entrance, there were like 2 bots there already qq, one of them was a naked elf with a sword o.o and the other one was a DE stealing all my mops -.- At least, I get lucky when I killed my second Living Armor, Spirit Crystal: Blood to Soul v_v Was also funny because the spawn was crazy and I used all my reds so quick...you'll understand with the screenshot below :P